Silvertown Tunnel Consent Order Granted

The Development Consent Order for the Silvertown Tunnel has been approved by a Statutory Instrument (No 574). The Silvertown Tunnel Order 2018 was made on the 10th May 2018 and comes into force on the 31st May 2018. The decision was delayed for six months to take into account additional measures for air quality.
The consent order, found on the Planning Inspectorate Website allows for 21 separate items of work including:
- Construction of a twin bore highway tunnel for a length of 1,440 metres from a portal on the Greenwich peninsula.
- Improvement of the existing two-lane A102 Blackwall Tunnel southern approach. southbound carriageway over a length of 595 metres from a point 260 metres south of the existing Blackwall Tunnel Southbound South Portal to a point 20 metres south of the existing gantry on the existing slip road.
- Improvement of the existing two-lane A102 Blackwall Tunnel southern approach northbound carriageway over a length of 500m.
- Improvement of the existing Tunnel Avenue from a point 65 metres south of a point level with the junction of the existing Tunnel Avenue with Morden Wharf Road.
- Construction of a new two-lane carriageway over a length of 150 metres forming the southern approach northbound carriage, and construction of new two lane carriageway for 160m forming the southbound carriageway.
- Improvement of 45 metres of the A102 Blackwall Tunnel southern approach southbound carriageway two-lane diverge slip road leading to the existing Millennium Way.
- Construction of a new cross-over between the northbound and southbound carriageways of the improved A102 Blackwall Tunnel southern approach.
- Construction of a new bus-only carriageway linking the existing A102 Blackwall Tunnel southern approach southbound carriageway.
- Improvement of the existing Pavilion Lane to provide a new bus-only carriageway,
- Construction of a new Boord Street foot and cycle bridge to provide access for non-motorised users across the A102 Blackwall Tunnel.
- Works associated with the construction of a Silvertown Tunnel services compound on the north and south portal.
- Construction of a replacement gas pressure reduction station.
- Permanent diversion of statutory undertakers’ apparatus and works associated with such diversions, located in Boord Street and Millennium Way.
- Construction of the new Silvertown Tunnel northern approach
- Improvement of the existing Tidal Basin Roundabout for a length of 415 metres,
- Construction of Dock Road on a new alignment.
- Improvement to the existing Tidal Basin Road to include resurfacing works to the existing Tidal Basin Road.
- Construction and subsequent removal of a temporary jetty for transportation of materials to Royal Victoria Dock.
- Dredging and mooring works.
The order allows TFL to construct, operate and maintain the Silvertown Tunnel. The Order would permit Transport for London to acquire, compulsorily or by agreement, land and rights in land and to use land for this purpose. The Order also includes provisions in relation to the operation of the existing Blackwall Tunnel regarding speed limits, penalty charges and byelaws. The order also allows for the implementation of user charging at both tunnels.
A Silvertown Tunnel Design Review Panel will be set up along with the Silvertown Tunnel Stakeholder Design Consultation Group
There are 14 schedules attached to the 187 page document. Schedule 2 part 1 reads like a set of conditions which require:
- Time limit-5 years
- The authorised development must be designed and implemented— (a) in accordance with the design principles; and (b) in general accordance with the general arrangement plans
- TfL must consult with the Silvertown Tunnel Design Review Panel; and the Silvertown Tunnel Stakeholder Design Consultation Group, during the detailed design of the authorised development
- specific work items details to be submitted and approved
- code of construction practice
- No part of the authorised development may be commenced until the following plans and strategies, required by the code of construction practice, have been prepared
- Construction Site River Strategy:
- Emergency Plan:
- Fire Plan;
- Lighting Management Plan:
- Site Waste Management Plan
- No part of the authorised development may be commenced until the following plans and strategies, required by the code of construction practice, have been prepared
- Air Quality Management Plan
- Archaeological Written Scheme of Investigation
- Community Engagement Plan
- Construction Materials Management Plan ;
- Construction Traffic Management Plan
- Ecology Management Plan
- Flood Warning and Evacuation Plan
- Groundwater Monitoring and Verification Plan
- Noise and Vibration Management Plan;
- Passage Plan
- Construction Environmental Management Plan:
- Landscaping scheme
- Monitoring and mitigation strategy
- secure implementation of measures approved in accordance with the approved programme
- TfL must— (a) implement a monitoring programme in consultation with the members of STIG; (b) prepare— (i) quarterly monitoring reports for a period of one year from the Silvertown Tunnel opening for public use; and (ii) annual monitoring reports thereafter, derived from that monitoring, and submit them for consideration by the members of STIG
- Not less than three years before the Silvertown Tunnel is expected to open for public use TfL must install Nitrogen Dioxide (“NO2”) monitors at locations determined in accordance with paragraph 3.7.4 of the monitoring and mitigation strategy.
- The authorised development must be carried out in accordance with the flood risk assessment.
- No part of the authorised development may open for public use until a written scheme of proposed noise mitigation measures in respect of the use and operation of that part has been submitted to and approved in writing
- Prior to the opening of the authorised development for public use, TfL must install noise barriers to protect properties in the Siebert Road, Invicta Road/Westcombe Hill area from the effects of traffic noise from the A102.
- TfL must secure a cross-river bus service provision using the tunnels which delivers the same or greater levels of public transport
- TfL must secure the provision of enhanced river crossing facilities for cyclists and pedestrians between the Greenwich Peninsula and Canary Wharf and Silvertown for at least the duration of the monitoring period,
- authorised development must be carried out in accordance with the biodiversity action plan and mitigation strategy.
- No part of the authorised development may commence until a site investigation and risk assessment has been carried out
- The Silvertown Tunnel must not open for public use and the tunnel services buildings at the South Portal comprised in Work No. 12 must not be occupied after their practical completion until the hazardous substances consent for the East Greenwich Gasholder Station site has been revoked or modified
- The Silvertown Tunnel must not open for public use until the hazardous substances consent for the Brenntag Inorganic Chemicals Ltd site has been revoked or modified
- Re-use of excavated material on-site
- Local business transitional support
Part 2 of Schedule sets out the procedure for discharging the requirements of Part 1 of the order including submitting draft documents to Newham, Greenwhich and Tower Hamlets prior to formal submission.
Schedule 3 sets out the approach to stopping up roads including roads to be temporarily closed, permanently closed or substituted.
Schedule 4 sets out the land in which only new rights may be acquired
Schedule 5 Details Approach To Modification Of Compensation And Compulsory Purchase Enactments For Creation Of New Rights
Schedule 6 Land In Which Only Subsoil Or New Rights Above Subsoil And Surface May Be Acquired
Schedule 7 Land Of Which Only Temporary Possession May Be Taken
Schedule 8: Removal Of Motor Vehicles And Recovery Of Penalty Charges
Schedule 9: Blackwall And Silvertown Tunnels Byelaws
Schedule 10:Classification Of Roads, Etc.
Schedule 11: Article 61 Traffic Regulation Measures, Etc
Schedule 12 :Deemed Marine Licence
Schedule 13: includes protective provisions
Schedule 14: Article 65 Documents To Be Certified
Tfl’s website states:
“Now that the DCO has been granted, we are working with local boroughs, landowners and other stakeholders to outline the next steps for the project. This includes agreeing details of land acquisitions, construction plans and access requirements for residents, visitors and local businesses as the scheme progresses”
“We are now working to procure a contractor to design and build the tunnel. We hope to confirm a preferred bidder in winter 2018 and award the contract in early 2019 so that construction can begin later in that year”
Construction could begin in early 2019, with the new tunnel expected to open in 2023.