Prime Minister lays down in front of bulldozers in an attempt to stop third runway…

Will we see headlines like this soon?

‘Prime Minister lays down in front of bulldozers in an attempt to stop third runway…’

Boris Johnson has now ‘landed’ the role of Prime Minister. Having ‘taken off’ for Afganistan back in June, he missed the day of the government’s key vote on a third runway at Heathrow. With a strong standpoint on the new development could we see Boris be a man of his word?

These words?

“I will lie down in front of those bulldozers and stop the construction of that third runway… Heathrow is just undeliverable, and the sooner we face that the sooner our salvation.”

Boris Johnson – London Mayor, 2015.

The Heathrow expansion…

Over 80 million passengers flew in and out of Heathrow Airport last year, if the third runway goes ahead that number could rise to a staggering 130 million.

Originally a small airfield built in 1929 and developed into an airport in 1946, Heathrow now covers nearly 5 square miles. The airport is used by multiple airlines travelling to 200 destinations in 84 countries with an average 1300 flight movements a day.

The third runway at Heathrow was proposed back in July 2015 when the Airports Commission examined various options to increase UK airport capacity and the Heathrow expansion became their final destination. Suggestions, objections and decisions were made and now the development for a third runway at Heathrow has gone to public consultation until the 13th September 2019.

Development, demolition and blight

At a potential cost of £14 billion, privately financed not through taxpayer’s money, the new runway will bring 180,000 new jobs and 10,000 apprenticeships across the UK. That is great news for people looking for a job but what about those people whose property and homes are affected by the development?

Considerations and compensations have been discussed about the demolition of homes and villages. Most of the homes in the village of Harmondsworth will be demolished and how close properties are to the location of the new runway will determine how much compensation will be given to the owners. The owners of 750 properties will be covered by the ‘compulsory purchase area scheme’ which offer the owners 25% above market value plus legal fees, stamp duty and moving costs. A further 3,750 homeowners will be offered 25% above market value once the runway is built. The government has said that people who choose to remain in affected areas can have their homes or other buildings insulated against noise.

The Secretary of State for Transport designated the Airports National Policy Statement (Airports NPS) on the 26th June 2018. This policy will allow property owners within a certain distance from the potential third runway to ask the Secretary of State for Transport to buy their property, this can be done by the owner serving a ‘blight notice’.

What would a property owner be entitled to if a blight notice is accepted?

  • The market value of the property
  • A property loss payment which could be:

– 10% of the unaffected market value for homes subject to a cap of £63K

– 10% of the unaffected market value for commercial properties subject to a cap of £100K

– 7.5% of the unaffected market value for properties operated by private landlords subject to a cap of £75K

  • Stamp duty costs associated with the purchase of an equivalent value property
  • Reimbursement of reasonable legal fees and removal or other disturbance costs in accordance with the statutory compensation code

Will the third runway affect you and your home?

The Heathrow Expansion website offers all the information a property owner needs to know if they will be affected by the development of the third runway.

Find out how more here.

The Heathrow airport plans and boundaries:

Heathrow expansion plans. Read more.

Airports National Policy Statement (NPS). Read more.

Airports NPS Annex A red line boundary around the runway. Read more.

Find out more about the public consultation here.

How to respond to the public consultation. Read more.


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How will the Heathrow expansion be affected by a hung parliament?

Return flight to Heathrow 2017 

The Heathrow expansion debate

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