Introducing Claire Winterflood, our communication partner…

by Amanda Hayward
With over 30 years public relations experience in the housing sector, Claire Winterflood has worked on a wide range projects for leading housebuilders and developers. Building good relationships with residents and the wider community are part of the mix of activities:

Planting their future – tree planting with primary school children in a Country Park adjacent to a new build development.

A charity shoot and golf day, helped raise over £48k for the Essex Herts Air Ambulance Trust.

Schoolchildren learning the importance of health and safety on site with Ivor Goodsite.

Community newsletters keeping residents and the wider community up-to-date with plans.
Once outline planning has been approved Claire can support and help with:
- Your Corporate Social Responsibility Agenda – working with schools, colleges, local groups either on or off site
- Supporting your Company’s ESG activities
- Events on site – the official opening, sales launches, VIP visits
- Public art & other infrastructure projects
- Raising awareness of your company in the area through local events
- Supporting local employment initiatives
- Organising solo or supporting existing Charity events
- Projects to support Considerate Constructor targets
- Producing Green Travel Plans for residents and the wider community
Get in touch if we can help you!
Email: or
Tel: 07949253840