Be Merry… Be Happy

It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas..
As I write this, more COVID related restrictions are being enforced, such as advise to work from home where possible. And although I don’t want to talk too much about Christmas parties..I know that like ours many Companies have had to cancel their yearly get together, at a time when we could all no doubt have done with some Christmas cheer with our colleagues.
And so, with these new restrictions I feel that we have almost completed a full circle this year, we started with restrictions, opening up fully in the middle part of the year and now unfortunately ending the year with more restrictions. At this time, we all hope that we will be able to enjoy and celebrate a ‘normal’ safe and healthy Christmas holiday with loved ones.

Reflecting on the past year, it has been so good to have been able to start getting out and meeting our clients again, old and new. We have enjoyed lunches, coffees and of course still some virtual meetings but in the most part we have been able to meet face to face. As we turn to a new year we hope we are able to continue with these in person meetings and our January diary is already starting to fill.
As we were unable to host our 10 year celebratory party in 2021, we hope that this will be a highlight in our 2022 social calendar and we look forward to seeing lots of you there to help us celebrate.
We have been fortunate enough to have enjoyed a successful trading year with successes for our clients, and relationships made or maintained with clients new and old. Due to growth, we are looking to expand our team in 2022, and we have some really exciting projects coming up, amongst others we are working towards a net-zero carbon commitment and working in a more greener, sustainable way.
In place of corporate Christmas cards this year we have made a donation to Shelter, which is our chosen Company charity, and we look forward to supporting them throughout the year with their many fundraising projects.
I would like to take this opportunity to wish all our clients and friends a wonderful, peaceful Christmas and New Year and we look forward to continuing working together in 2022.
With love
Jo and all the team at Urbanissta