A Time for Reflection and Self Improvement……..

by Jo Hanslip
In wondering what to focus on for my blog this week, I have taken inspiration from some current reading (well listening) that I have been doing lately, which has made me stop and reflect and I thought might be helpful if shared.
What do you see………… what is your perspective?

Source: https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Youngoldwoman.jpg
I’ll come back to this image at the end of this piece….
The best part of 20 years ago I was lucky enough to be on a relaxing on a beach in the Maldives and first read the “7 Habits of Highly Effective People” by Stephen R Covey. I remember how interesting and inspiring I found the book. Given that the opportunity to be sitting on a Maldivian beach reading is not likely to be possible anytime soon, I thought I would dust the book off and revisit it with the benefit of hind- and fore-sight…… I also briefly enjoyed remembering that wonderful beach with tranquil turquoise waters ….. but I digress……!
Anyway, in thinking about how much time had passed, not only have a I refreshed my thinking, but I have also taken the opportunity to reflect on how I have and, might better incorporate, some of these 7 Habits both personally and professionally. I think if I was at school, the overarching comments and grade would reflect a message overall of ‘could do better’….. but that’s fine I can work with that…..
To summarise for those not familiar, the-7 Habits of Highly Effective People is (in my opinion) a truly informative book, in which it identifies a number of principles by which to evaluate all one’s interactions in life – personally and professionally – and encourages the reader to step back and rethink things. The ‘7 Habits’ can be helpfully summarised as set out below:
- Habit 1: Be Proactive® …
I’d like to think that I try to live by this principle, but I am sure I (as could we all), do better. As a team we try to keep ourselves ahead of the competition, to be alert, aware and ready to respond but we are human and being proactive in all our interactions is a constant but attainable challenge. It’s not always easy but it helps to remind yourself once in while! There are always areas for growth in our proactivity.
- Habit 2: Begin with the End in Mind® …
This involves seeking to have an outcome orientated outlook in all activities undertaken – in projects, team interactions and our Company’s growth aspirations. We do try to plan and revisit our business planning, recheck our clients’ objectives but again this is a ‘habit’ that needs to be kept constantly under review. We aim to make sure we have not been distracted and lost focus. It’s good to consider whether we need to nudge ourselves back into position now and again…!
- Habit 3: to Put First Things First® …
This looks at the interesting and important way in which we all spend our time – doing ‘urgent and important’ tasks or the opposite – lots of ‘non urgent and unimportant’ tasks. A useful area for us all to think about in all our personal and professional interactions – the phrase of the ‘busy fool’ springs to mind and I am certainly one of these on occasions! It’s easy to slip into areas 1 and 3 when really we should be focusing on living in area 2 – how often do you operate in areas 2? Think and reflect….scope for change?

- Habit 4: Think Win-Win® …
This habit seeks to ensure that as teams we are motivated and encouraged to perform to our highest expectations through shared goals and accountability, and in a manner that is respectful of all with whom we interact. Win-win or no deal is a valuable philosophy for us all to work by. As a team and individuals, we can all aspire to ensure that our interactions with clients and customers have such a principle at its heart.
- Habit 5: Seek First to Understand, Then to Be Understood® …
An easy one for us all to overlook. How many times are you listening to what someone says but thinking about what you are going to say to them and not truly listening to what they have said and identified what their needs are. What are they influenced by – remember the first image above….what’s your perspective, how have you been influenced by your experiences and so how is your opinion informed? I’m a culprit and I’m sure we all are in our daily interactions? I will try to do better on this area each day, little by little…
- Habit 6: Synergise® …
How do you problem solve – do you problem solve? In our profession we are constantly seeking to solve problems in a way that exceeds our clients’ expectations. We also try to find new and better ways of doing things but this like so many of the ‘habits’, it is a constant goal, one that will always keep us trying and seeking to achieve better and more. Let’s ask our clients, colleagues and loved ones – how could I/we do better?
- Habit 7: Sharpen the Saw®
Together we are stronger than the sum of the parts, how many times have we all heard that adage. Many times, but I have to admit to not always stopping and reflecting upon what this really means, and how we can as a team increase our capacity and capabilities. How do we ensure that we keep ourselves mentally alert, challenged and aware? How do we keep our saw sharp…..?
In our weekly team meetings, I have decided to review with our Team how we think we are performing and having regard to these valuable principles. I am sure that we will always be able to do better, but hopefully as we sharpen our saws on all the above, our performance – and our client’s satisfaction – will be positively enhanced!
- Habit 1: Be Proactive® … –
- Habit 2: Begin with the End in Mind® …
- Habit 3: Put First Things First® …
- Habit 4: Think Win-Win® …
- Habit 5: Seek First to Understand, Then to Be Understood® …
- Habit 6: Synergise® …
- Habit 7: Sharpen the Saw®
Oh, and finally – did you see an old or young lady? Look again and now see what you can see…….. they are both there….. look at the image with an open mind ….what’s your perspective and can you now see what others see…..?