Lightmoor Road, Telford

Welcome to Morro Partnerships webpage, informing you first on proposals for our new development on brownfield land at Lightmoor Road, Little Dawley, Telford.

We are proposing to submit a full planning application for 52 new affordable rented homes on this brownfield site.

We intend to submit to Telford & Wrekin Council a detailed planning application that will provide details of the access, layout, scale, and appearance of the 52 new homes proposed with additional details on landscaping, surface water drainage, ecology, biodiversity gains, ground conditions and other matters such as, details of the site’s renewables strategy and carbon reduction measures.

We’d like to know your views on the development details and so we are setting out some information below.

Community Consultation

A newsletter outlining Morro Partnerships plans for the layout and appearance plans of the development has been sent to 437 residential homes and businesses within the outskirts of the development area. Residents are encouraged to complete the online survey (linked at the bottom of the page).

Below are some FAQs:

  • Who is being consulted?

We have identified 437 properties surrounding the development area, comprising 428 residential homes and 9 businesses. A newsletter with detailed information and key contact details has been distributed. Additionally, a consultation webpage has been set up, featuring a survey for residents to complete.

The Site is in the Horsehay and Lightmoor ward within Telford & Wrekin Local Authority district., and we have also contacted the local councillors for the area.

  • What will your full application submission include?

We intend to submit to Telford & Wrekin Council details of the access, layout, scale and appearance of the 52 new homes proposed with additional detailed on landscaping, surface water drainage, ecology, biodiversity gains, ground conditions and other associated matters such as, details of the site’s renewables strategy and carbon reductions measures.

  • Will we be able review all the material you submit?

Yes, all the information submitted as part of the full application submission will be accessible for public review, once validated by Telford & Wrekin Council.

  • How many houses will you be provided?

We intend to provide 52 new affordable rented homes.

  • What will the houses look like?

Below are some images of our house types:

Image Credit: Morro Partnerships The Royal Cleveland Road, Wolverhampton

Image Credit: Morro Partnerships The Woodlands, Lightmoor Telford

  • Where is the Site access?

The site will be accessed directly from Lightmoor Road, and all site access details will be provided as part of the full application submission.

  • What are the parking arrangements?

Parking provision will be in line with Telford & Wrekin Council standards and all dwellings will have two dedicated parking spaces.

  • Where can visitors Park?

Two visitor parking spaces will be provided within the scheme.

  • Is the Site contaminated?

Some level of contamination has been found on site and full details of what has been found and how any risks can be mitigated will form part of the planning application submission. Any past mining risks will also be fully investigated. The site will be remediated through the development to ensure that the new residents can safely enjoy their homes and gardens.

  • What is the flood risk on the Site?

The site is in flood zone 1 which means that it has a low risk of flooding from fluvial (watercourse), groundwater, sewer, reservoir and canals.  Additional evidence has been taken from TWC’s Strategic Flood Risk Assessment for the area, indicating low risk of groundwater flooding. Public sewers in the area are expected to be periodically maintained by Severn Trent Water.

Green corridors will be incorporated where possible along the site edges and will provide further connectivity via green spaces within the site, such as potential, rain gardens.

  • How will the site be drained?

Surface water will be primarily drained via an ‘oversized’ pipe network, in order to attenuate the runoff up to the 30-year storm event. Additional attenuation will be provided by an underground storage tank in the south of the site, including an allowance for climate change. Flows will be discharged from the site at greenfield rates, and head south within Lightmoor Road, where the network will connect into the existing network for the development approx. 300m to the south.

We will also look to provide additional SuDS features such as permeable paving and rain gardens to promote water quality, amenity and biodiversity.

Foul drainage shall be picked up from dwellings and follow a similar path to the surface water network, leaving the site in the south and travelling further south down Lightmoor Road where it can connect into the existing foul network from the same development as described above.

  • What environmental benefits will the scheme provide

The proposals will provide biodiversity gains through planting of native species of trees and shrubs to benefit wildlife. The introduction of feature landscaping alongside the gardens of the new homes, will provide opportunities to enhance the existing ecological status of the site.  Further ecological enhancements will be incorporated into the scheme such as the installation of bird and bat boxes, insect hotels and log piles where appropriate.

At Morro we use a timber frame product that is sustainably sourced.

  • How will carbon emission be reduced by the development?

Morro use a ‘fabric first’ approach which involves using a high-performance building envelope which can greatly decrease a building’s energy use by reducing heat loss and gain. This results in lower energy bills, decreased carbon emissions, and a reduced environmental impact.

Q:  I would like to ask a question(s)/give my feedback?  How can I do this?

A:   Please complete the survey linked here

or email 

It is important for us to get your views, as residents of the local community. We would appreciate it if the below survey could be completed by 11th December 2024 as this is when our consultation will close. We will then review the comments made and address them in our reserved matters submission.

Responses received after this date will not be considered.

Click here for survey